We do not collect data for advertising or re-advertising purposes.
We do not carry/forward/sell Personally Identifiable Information (PPI) derived from Google Analytics.
We do not share/forward/sell IP addresses of our users.
We do not anonomize IP addresses.
Persons who are less than twenty-one (21) years old must seek the consent and approval of your parent or guardian before giving, sharing, submitting or discussing any information (personal or otherwise) to, on or through this website.
We take matters of privacy extremely seriously. We have partnered with longstanding developers and hosting servers in a bid to maintain information integrity and security. By submitting your information to this website, you are consenting to its practices, disclaimers and policies.
We will seek to ensure that any information collected through its website will be necessary and relevant. This information will not be shared, discussed or sold to any other website or organization.
Information deemed necessary may include: contact details, usernames, passwords, payment information, posts, preferences, IP addresses etc.
We may use your information to: respond to queries, send out information regarding the website or its content or its products, to provide you with information, to respond to comments, to respond to concerns, to administer various services etc.
We may transfer your information in cases such as: to satisfy reporting requirements, to satisfy law requirements, to process information, to process transactions etc.
Although numerous steps will be taken to ensure safety, we cannot guarantee data security in an absolute way. All transmission of information is at your own risk.
We may or may not use cookies on its website. This is at the discretion of the administrators.
We may collect data for Google Analytics that does not carry an expiration date. This data is never shared/forwarded/sold to anyone.
We have the understanding that it is entirely your duty to check on our various policies, Disclaimers and Terms of Use before making a purchase or downloading any material from this website.
Comments or concerns may be directed by using the contact page and subsequent web links.
*Please also see our Disclaimers.