17 Lessons about GARP’s FRM Program and Leadership

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes



The FRM program by the Global Association of Risk Professionals is one that truly stands out from the pack. Navigating a business has become incredibly challenging in today’s hectic economic environment.

The rapid changes in technology, the increased financial risk and emerging trends in the labor force make the strategies of yester-year obsolete. 

Nevertheless, certified FRM professionals stand out in this environment, with fine-tuned abilities to steer a company’s vision, turn risks to opportunities, create value and keep businesses afloat.

Read on to see how this program by GARP can enhance your business leadership skills and qualities.


1. Adherence to high ethical standards

One of the most significant risks in organizations stems from unethical practices by employees and employers. Today, everyone is striving to be the best in their jobs, to earn higher salaries and to get bigger bonuses.

As a result, many are faced with a constant temptation to cut corners.

Without a moral compass to steer individuals into the right way of doing things, dishonesty, compromise and misrepresentation of information can become the norm.

These unethical practices erode trust between the company and its stakeholders. GARP takes a stab at this issue through a strict code of conduct.

As an expert, you will be required to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, accuracy and fairness in all your dealings.

And, because you will have the right skills to handle more responsibilities and oversee others, you will be in a position to help steer the company in the right direction.


2. Learn effective resource allocation

One of the fastest paths toward profitability is achieved from mastering skills in efficient resource allocation. Resource wastage is an issue that many firms succumb to as they struggle to find direction.

Among the skills imparted is risk management through resource allocation. As a certified professional, you will be better able to detect and measure the severity of various situations.

As a result, you will be better equipped to allocate the right resources in your firm. Certified professionals can set the perfect lead for other employees to follow.


3. Forward-thinking as a tool

In the face of economic struggles and high global uncertainties, risk management is crucial more than ever before. 

Many businesses might be concerned about trying to avoid risk in the short term, but professionals know better.

Effective risk management needs to be integrated with the whole growth strategy. It is more about identifying opportunities and adding value than putting out fires. 

As a certified financial risk manager professional, you will have the ability to help your organization strike a balance between its short term goals and the long-term strategies. 

Your skills and professional opinion will be incredibly vital when the company is deciding on what important projects to pursue. You will lay growth strategies or help conduct downsizing operations. 

The program equips you with the skills to identify risks and to properly manage them.

Your ability to see the bigger picture and take a critical approach in all situations will boost your chances of landing that top position.


4. Achieving compliance

Regulations and policies are ever-changing in the financial world. These are driven by market changes, reforms and politics, among other factors.

Businesses typically face a critical challenge in compliance, a factor that can lead to huge fines, loss of contracts and material loss.

A qualified professional helps to spearhead regulatory compliance in his or her organization. You will be working with the board of directors to devise a strategic plan. 

Your job may entail carrying out rigorous risk audits and asking tough questions about those things that may pose a danger to the company. 

Most boards tend to be unaware of those explicit existing laws or changes in regulations.

The responsibility will fall on you to offer guidance on these matters and this management training will help you to prepare for such scenarios.


5. Top-level financial acumen

Certification from GARP is increasingly becoming a great alternative to an MBA and other post graduate qualifications as it pertains to risk management. 

The program is now the qualification of choice for job positions requiring strong risk-management acumen and an ability to add increased value to an organization. 

As a result, pursuing certification therefore helps to prepare you for these high expectations.

The Financial Risk Manager platform will equip you with the ability to translate concepts into tangible outcomes. It will boost your experience and accuracy when working in any risk management environment.

These are some of the qualities that will qualify you for managerial and leadership roles in your organization.


6. Problem-solving skills

This challenge aims to create highly skilled risk professionals that can handle the complex nature of risk in today’s economic environment. The curriculum entails practical topics that draw from real-world experiences.

The course sharpens your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing you for the job demands in the financial industry.

Certified individuals stand out in the workplace as go to persons for solving complex risk related challenges.

You will showcase high competencies in identifying risk and the assessment and management of the same. Your sophisticated problem-solving skills will be valuable in helping to avert the threats facing the company.


7. Shaping your analytical mind

The competencies of a certified risk manager make them a key partaker in almost every company’s decision.

Your input will be vital in adding value to every situation, even in cases where there are possibilities of severe outcomes.

Your purpose will be ensuring that the firm’s path is in line with industry regulations and the company’s objectives.

Even though you may not be responsible for making the final decision, your expert input is essential for the survival and growth of a company.

For that reason, many companies elect to place certified individuals at the helm where they can help eliminate risks from every angle.


8. Creating a culture of risk awareness

Every single individual in an organization has a role to play when it comes to managing risks. Risk management is, therefore, an effort that needs proper collaboration.

As a certified individual, you will have the skills to offer awareness training to your colleagues and superiors, including your board members.

You can use the company’s existing infrastructure or create new ones to provide training on risk management in all aspects of the business.

You may be tasked with creating e-learning modules or organizing in-person classes with subject matters to do with your organization. 

From the program, you will have the skills to use case studies to teach on how to identify, manage and control risk.


9. People skills

In this trial, professionals amass the necessary skills that come handy in supervisory and leadership roles after certification.

As a financial risk manager, you have an essential responsibility in assuring the success of your company. 

You will learn how to achieve the support of every member towards this unified purpose. As opposed to being a controller, you will be a team player.

You will be able to lead by example and offer close guidance, mentoring and coaching to achieve the expected results.

After attaining your certification and by participating in the GARP networks, you will be better able to understand conflict and how to mitigate it at work.


10. Effective communication skills

Expert financial risk managers are good communicators. Your job will require you to be effective at translating complex risk scenarios, products or processes into a language that everyone can understand.

The success of your risk awareness training sessions depends on excellent communication and so do the reports that you create for top-level management and board of directors. 

For that communication to happen seamlessly, you will need top notch communication skills. The beauty of completing the course is that you get to join a network of leading financial risk experts. 

Networking will not only sharpen your face-to-face communication skills, but it will also help you grow your people-management skills.

Through the use of these skills, you will be able to get the influence, respect, cooperation and commitment necessary to fulfill higher job responsibilities.


11. Technological Prowess

Today, technology is an essential tool in financial risk management and GAPS knew this when they developed the course. 

Because of going through an ever-updated curriculum that is geared towards the relevant risk issues in the current business world, most risk experts often have the ability to work with technological tools in predicting, measuring and managing complex risk occurrences.

Substantial financial and numerical skills go hand in hand with these environments. These are vital talents for a leader to add the most value and protect the organization from risk scenarios.


12. Prioritizing tasks

Unlike an MBA and other postgraduate programs, this risk manager course does not involve classroom training. Candidates are responsible for planning their time, creating study schedules and following a guide set by GARP.

This self-learning and self-discipline immensely sharpens your time management skills, which is, as you know, a golden managerial skill. After attaining the designation, you will be able to work with minimal supervision.

You will be effective at prioritizing tasks and achieving at elevated levels in every responsibility within your job environment. 

Similar to studying for the examination, the habit of using reminders, schedules, and sticky notes will make you an effective manager.


13. Delivering above and beyond

Certified FRM professionals already excel at meeting deadlines and overcoming the pressure of the highly involving financial risk management environment. Beyond that, however, you will find yourself doing much more. 

Going above and beyond is a culture inspired by the program, taking you through intensive readings, practice questions and third party materials in preparation for both examinations.

After certification, your skills will place you at an advantage in your workplace. You will be able to come up with great ideas that you can present at the highest levels.

These include ideas that can help your colleagues, improve the company’s bottom line and accelerate your journey to the top.


14. Stress management

A career in financial risk management can be quite involving, more so if you are in charge of a team or in any other leadership position. 

The beauty of going through this thought-provoking course is that you get to learn how to overcome stress and achieve the best results.

Most candidates pursue their designation while managing work, family and social life at the same time.

The challenge builds your multitasking skills, and in the process, you will also learn the importance of effective time management, a healthy lifestyle and a support system in ensuring success in all that you do.


15. Achieving visibility

Another way your designation can help you land leadership roles is by enhancing your visibility. Certified professionals are highly knowledgeable about the industry and are typically more vocal than others.

Whether at work or at networking events, you will have many chances to show off your mastery of risk management, your expert opinions on the direction of the industry and other related issues.

Your title, and the knowledge and skills it signifies, therefore, become the endorsement you need for promotions.


16. Authenticity and confidence

Even though the course focuses on improving your skills in financial risk management, candidates also get a chance to improve themselves personally. 

After certification, you will stand out as an authentic individual that is capable of achieving great results. Everyone will know that you are not a quitter, and that is something that your employers will appreciate. 

Because of the high-level skills gained in the program, you will be able to approach your duties and responsibilities with confidence.

You will be in a position to influence not only individuals but also the direction of your organization. Self-confidence and high self-esteem is a potent mix of qualities that make successful leaders.


17. Setting new trends

This educational experience gives you a thorough knowledge of the financial industry, types of risks, regulations and compliance. 

However, because of your advanced analytical and forward thinking skills, managing risks and enabling compliance will not be your final stop.

You will find ways to work with new regulations while being ethical. You will challenge old practices and methods to add the most value to your organization. 

That is because most Financial Risk Manager professionals are able to adapt to new changes and develop great ideas and custom approaches to risk. These desirable qualities will fuel your career advancement.


Bottom Line

Many people dream of top-level positions in their organizations, while some make uninformed attempts that end up being counterproductive.

The FRM program by the Global association of Risk Professionals will not only improve your skills in financial risk management but also polish your leadership skills and earn you a seat at the big table.

So, don’t delay, start with us by going through our free materials and by reading our other articles.


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