Our Financial Risk Manager exam question bank offers one complete exam question-and-answer PDF book for Exam 1 (FRM Part 1 Books PDF) and one complete exam question-and-answer PDF book for Exam 2 (FRM Part 2 Books PDF), with both books totaling over 2,400 questions-and-answers combined.
As our books are updated, these will be available to download at no additional cost. Paying for any particular exam set grants you lifetime access to it, inclusive of any and all new updates that will ensue over the coming years. To help you prepare for the test, we welcome you to download our practice questions, formula sheet and study guide at no charge and you may do this without the need to sign up for an account!
To ensure that the highest possible standard is being delivered at all times , we have arranged ourselves into several teams comprised of core internal managers and externally contracted professionals that are focused on; studying the GARP guidelines and its trends, creating a large pool of potential exam test scenarios, selecting only the best questions-and-explanations before finally presenting them to you in one complete package.